The Creation of Man.
First of all, why didnt Grudem use a gender neutral term like, "The creation of mankind/humanity?" He responds clearly that God himself sets this precedent to call all of his created humanity as "man" and this theologically even has significance to show roles of men and women from the start.
God did not "need" us, or create us because of "loneliness," but rather quite simply for his own glory.

Our purpose in life is to glorify him. We are significant IN that purpose. We are also to enjoy God and take delight in him and our relationship to him.
John 10:10, I came that you may have life, and have it abundantly.
As we rejoice in God, so he rejoices in us. "He will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love...." Zeph 3.
We are in the image of God, i.e. we are like God and represent God. Throughout scripture we see an explanation of this idea.
Even after Adam and Eve sinned, man was still called to be "in God's image." James 3:9 says that men generally, and not just believers, are made in the likeness of God. Sin has distorted many aspects that were before more "like God."
When we are redeemed by Christ (become Christian), we can grow more into the likeness of God. God's goal for redemption is that we might be "conformed to the image of his Son." Romans 8:29.
God's purpose for creating man in his image was completely realized in the person of Jesus Christ.
How does mankind differ from the rest of creation?
1. We are morally accountable.
2. We have a spiritual aspect, we can pray, hear God speak to us, etc. And we have spiritual immortality.
3. We have mental aspects. we can reason, speak various languages, we have creativity and inventiveness, we have much more complex emotions than animals.
4. We have a deeper relational ability than animals, such as a church which can be closer than family through the bonds of Christ, in marriage, and man's given right to rule over creation.
5. Our physical bodies allow us to reflect God's character through our actions.
All of creation in different ways reflects God, but only mankind is so like God that he can be said to be "In the image of God."
Since we humans are created in the likeness of God, we must treat each other with dignity and respect that is due to God's image bearer. That means that the elderly, ill, retarded, and those infants yet unborn, deserve full protection and honor as human beings.
Next week, "Man" as male and female.
First of all, why didnt Grudem use a gender neutral term like, "The creation of mankind/humanity?" He responds clearly that God himself sets this precedent to call all of his created humanity as "man" and this theologically even has significance to show roles of men and women from the start.
God did not "need" us, or create us because of "loneliness," but rather quite simply for his own glory.
Our purpose in life is to glorify him. We are significant IN that purpose. We are also to enjoy God and take delight in him and our relationship to him.
John 10:10, I came that you may have life, and have it abundantly.
As we rejoice in God, so he rejoices in us. "He will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love...." Zeph 3.
We are in the image of God, i.e. we are like God and represent God. Throughout scripture we see an explanation of this idea.
Even after Adam and Eve sinned, man was still called to be "in God's image." James 3:9 says that men generally, and not just believers, are made in the likeness of God. Sin has distorted many aspects that were before more "like God."
When we are redeemed by Christ (become Christian), we can grow more into the likeness of God. God's goal for redemption is that we might be "conformed to the image of his Son." Romans 8:29.
God's purpose for creating man in his image was completely realized in the person of Jesus Christ.
How does mankind differ from the rest of creation?
1. We are morally accountable.
2. We have a spiritual aspect, we can pray, hear God speak to us, etc. And we have spiritual immortality.
3. We have mental aspects. we can reason, speak various languages, we have creativity and inventiveness, we have much more complex emotions than animals.
4. We have a deeper relational ability than animals, such as a church which can be closer than family through the bonds of Christ, in marriage, and man's given right to rule over creation.
5. Our physical bodies allow us to reflect God's character through our actions.
All of creation in different ways reflects God, but only mankind is so like God that he can be said to be "In the image of God."
Since we humans are created in the likeness of God, we must treat each other with dignity and respect that is due to God's image bearer. That means that the elderly, ill, retarded, and those infants yet unborn, deserve full protection and honor as human beings.
Next week, "Man" as male and female.