Here are a few photos from our summer conference guests, Voddie Baucham and Stuart Brogden. Go see Voddie's sermons here:
And while I'm at it, this is a perfect chance to point out some of the historical theological points of interest from our neck of the woods:
1. Let's start with this statue, in memory of some of the first baptist "believer's baptisms" that took part
against the law in Vallersvik (see below for more details). Imagine those first Baptists, voluntarily jumping in a VERY cold sea (late September) to be baptized, ready to count the cost....
2. Here is the site where those newly baptized went, that same day in 1848, to recieve teaching, have their first communion, and make F.O. Nilsson a deacon. Borekulla stugan was used for a long time as the place of the first Baptist church services.
The sea and beach are just to the right... |
Daniel as tour guide... |
And now some photos from GIBK's summer conference with Voddie Baucham. GIBK, the little church plant that would grow similarly with F.O. Nilsson in the solidly biblical Swedish Baptist church that existed back in the 1800's.
Lots of discussion... |
Stuart, the expert bookseller. |
Voddie's spanish came in useful in Sweden too! |
A portion of the group at the conference. |
Historical Details:
1. "...
The following year, Nilsson invited the Danish Baptist pastor A.P. Förster to his native province of Halland, where Förster baptized Nilsson’s wife, two of his brothers, and two other men in the sea at Vallersvik on September 21, 1848. Förster quietly returned to Denmark, leaving the six Swedes to organize their country’s first Baptist congregation. Nilsson would soon make a trip to Hamburg to be formally ordained as a Baptist minister. By the spring of 1849, the little Swedish Baptist church had 35 members. The following year, Nilsson encountered the aforementioned mob and subsequently was tried and sentenced to banishment for spreading false dogma. In 1851, he applied directly to the king for mercy, but King Oscar I would not lift the sentence. Nilsson went to Copenhagen in exile. Given his numerous international connections, it is perhaps not surprising that Nilsson’s banishment received international press attention, much of it brimming with criticism of the Swedish government."
Den 21 september 1848 döptes Nilssons hustru, hans två bröder och ett par andra personer av den danske baptistpredikanten A.P. Förster vid Vallersvik i Frillesås (i nuvarande Kungsbacka kommun). Samma kväll bildades Sveriges baptistförsamling i Borekulla-stugan i Landa socken strax norr om Frillesås samhälle (en slags Borekulla-stugan-replika finns i området och tillhörVallersvik-anläggningen)."
3. "
På nyårsaftonen samma år döpte Nilsson ytterligare fyra män i Göta älvs mynning (vid Käringberget). Under vintern ökade skaran av döpta. I mars 1849 skrev Nilsson, i ett brev till pastor Ira R. Steward i New York: ”Vi är nu 28, märk 28 troende och döpta i Sverige".
I cherish the memories of the short time Voddie and I spent there and regularly pray for the Lord to sustain you and bring many sons to glory through your labors. Grow not weary in well doing.