The four characteristics of scripture, or it's Sufficiency (Chapter 8)
IS the Bible enough for us to know what God wants us to think or do? Fantastic question for this chapter!
Sufficiency of Scripture: The Bible has all we need for salvation, trusting God perfectly, and obeying him perfectly.

Paul says in 2 Tim 3:15, "the sacred writings...which are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus."
2 Tim 3:16-17 also speaks about how Scripture leads to "that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."
Imagine if God did NOT say that scripture was sufficient....we Christians would spend our lives searching history, our own subjective feelings and impressions, etc...just to find out what God requires of us.
(For example, Systematic Theology book points out that Roman Catholics we also have to listen to the official teaching of the church throughout its history.) Although history might help us to understand, Scripture is indeed sufficient on its own.
Another cool thought from this book, "The amount of Scripture given was sufficient at each stage of Redemptive history."

In addition, the Bible says at different stages that what has been revealed so far is sufficient, and in Deuteronomy, Proverbs, and Revelations, warns to not add or take away from what was given.
What about all the stuff that was not written about? (for example smoking cigarettes).
Wayne Grudem says that with the Sufficiency of Scripture, we see that nothing is sin that is not forbidden by Scripture either explicitly or by implication.
The result? When seeking Gods will, we should seek his word first as our guide, and then be able to live like Psalm 119:44-45, "I will keep your law continually, for ever and ever; and I shal walk at liberty, for I have sought your precepts...Great peace have those who love your law, nothing can make them stumble."
Some good questions:
1. When trying to know Gods will for our lives, do we seek Scripture itself or many Christian books/sermons, etc, or even worldly influences? What is it that feeds us?
IS the Bible enough for us to know what God wants us to think or do? Fantastic question for this chapter!
Sufficiency of Scripture: The Bible has all we need for salvation, trusting God perfectly, and obeying him perfectly.
Paul says in 2 Tim 3:15, "the sacred writings...which are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus."
2 Tim 3:16-17 also speaks about how Scripture leads to "that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."
Imagine if God did NOT say that scripture was sufficient....we Christians would spend our lives searching history, our own subjective feelings and impressions, etc...just to find out what God requires of us.
(For example, Systematic Theology book points out that Roman Catholics we also have to listen to the official teaching of the church throughout its history.) Although history might help us to understand, Scripture is indeed sufficient on its own.
Another cool thought from this book, "The amount of Scripture given was sufficient at each stage of Redemptive history."
In addition, the Bible says at different stages that what has been revealed so far is sufficient, and in Deuteronomy, Proverbs, and Revelations, warns to not add or take away from what was given.
What about all the stuff that was not written about? (for example smoking cigarettes).
Wayne Grudem says that with the Sufficiency of Scripture, we see that nothing is sin that is not forbidden by Scripture either explicitly or by implication.
The result? When seeking Gods will, we should seek his word first as our guide, and then be able to live like Psalm 119:44-45, "I will keep your law continually, for ever and ever; and I shal walk at liberty, for I have sought your precepts...Great peace have those who love your law, nothing can make them stumble."
Some good questions:
1. When trying to know Gods will for our lives, do we seek Scripture itself or many Christian books/sermons, etc, or even worldly influences? What is it that feeds us?
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